TACCLE-3 - Teachers' Aids on Creating Content for Learning Environments

  • Ansprechperson:

    Dr. Daniela Reimann

  • Projektbeteiligte:

    Go! Onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
    IBP/KIT, Germany
    Pontydysgu, Wales, U.K.
    SGR Antigon Schoöengroep 1, Antwerpen, Belgium
    HITSA HariDUE INFOTHHNOLOGIA SIHTASUTUS, Research centre, Tallinn, Estonia
    TALLINN University, Tallinn, Estonia
    AALTO UNIVERSITY, Helsinki, Finland
    University of Eastern Finland, School of Computing, KUOPIO, Finland

  • Starttermin:

    September 2015

  • Endtermin:

    August 2017

TACCLE 3 Coding aims to encourage and support teachers to introduce coding, programming and/or computational thinking as part of the curriculum in the 4 – 14 classroom to better equip pupils to develop the skills needed by the European labour market. It will broaden teachers’ digital skills base and enhance their professional competence and show how entrepreneurial skills can be developed and integrated with programming skills. The project will also stimulate a positive attitude towards STEM with young children. In the framework of the project.
KIT will look at more playful, visual and art-based processes for teaching and learning about computational modeling and thinking by bridging technology, art and design processes.

The TACCLE3 coding project (‘Teacher Aids on Creating Content for Learning Environments’) was mentioned as an example of good practice in a high level document by the EU Commission (p.36) at EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 30.5.2017, SWD(2017) COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT